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Builder Application Format
Started by Stingray



Owner Member
26 Jan 2025
Last Seen
03 Mar 2025

Welcome to the AquariaMC Builder Application Form
Please read through the following requirements and listed information carefully before completing and submitting your application.

Note: Usage of AI programs to write any portion of your application is strictly prohibited. Submitting low-effort or blank applications will result in an automatic denial.

Requirements & Benefits:

  • Starting Position: Jr Builder.

  • Server Experience: You must be familiar with AquariaMC’s features and building style.

  • Active Participation: Must be an active member within the server and community.

  • Discord Membership: You must be a member of our official Discord and have an active account.

  • Respect: You must be respectful, professional, and cooperative with staff and players.

  • Building Experience: Must have a strong background in building with proof of previous builds.

  • Portfolio Submission: You must provide at least 3 examples of your builds (screenshots, videos, or a world download).

  • Creativity & Skill: You should be proficient in building different styles such as medieval, modern, fantasy, or aquatic themes.

  • Professional Conduct: Always represent AquariaMC in a professional manner.

  • Collaboration: Be open to working with other builders on large-scale projects.

  • Exclusivity: Builders on AquariaMC are expected to prioritize our server and not actively build for other Minecraft networks.

  • Mentorship: AquariaMC offers a healthy and supportive environment with guidance from experienced builders.

Please ensure that your application is thoughtful and complete. We look forward to reviewing your submission!

General Information

What is your Minecraft IGN (In-game Name)?
Please provide your full Minecraft In-Game-Name.

What is your Discord Name?
Here we require your Discord name (e.g., Username#1234).

What timezone do you live in?
Please provide your full timezone acronym and/or name (e.g., GMT, EST).

What times do you normally play on the server?
Please specify when you are typically online. For example, “Morning,” “Afternoons,” or “Evening.”

Building Experience

How long have you been building in Minecraft?
Give a brief history of your building experience and how you developed your skills.

What is your preferred building style?
Please specify the type of builds you excel at (e.g., medieval, fantasy, modern, underwater, organic structures, etc.).

Do you have experience with WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, or other building tools?
Please list any building plugins or mods you are proficient with.

Provide links or attach images of at least 3 of your previous builds.
We require proof of your skills via screenshots, videos, or downloadable worlds/schematics.

Additional Information

Have you ever been part of a build team before on any other server? If so, please specify which server(s) and your role(s).
Please list any servers, your role/rank, and any additional responsibilities you may have had.

Is there anything else the AquariaMC team should know about you?
Please provide any additional information that may be relevant. Applications are confidential and only visible to yourself and the administrators.

Submit your applications to this forum!

Kind regards,


Stingray · 12 days ago